Coatings and Layers 2005



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In the last decade tremendous progress has been made in the field of coating and thin film deposition. Enormous number of modified or new techniques has been developed and applied to production of advanced materials and details. Tendency of the quality escalation of details call for adequate increase not only in technology improving area but also in development of new experimental methods and the valid standards updating. Therefore the 4rd Conference on Coatings and Thin Films will focus on practical aspects and advances in:

  • Nitriding, Carburizing Technologies and Advances in Chemical Heat Treatment

  • Thin Film Growth

  • Organic Thin Films

  • Mechanical Properties and Stress

  • Diagnostics, Structure-Properties Relationship

  • Hard Coatings

  • Simulation of chemical heat treatment

  • Equipment for heat treatment

  • Industrial processes

  • Complex, combined, joint and duplex PVD, CVD technologies

  • Formation and properties of layers

  • Surface treatment by Plasma, Laser, Electron beam, Electro-spark deposition

  • Modeling and simulation of processes and layers, thermodynamics and kinetics of processes

  • Coatings and layers in technical standards

  • The aims of conference will present a new knowledge in said area and to make contacts between participants coming from different branches of industry, universities and academic institutions. The added attention will be foccused on the commercial PVD processes to made progress towards application of advanced technologies into production in the Slovac Republic. We should like to expand this forum to a broader international audience to establish and improve international contacts.

    Scientific Committee:

    Prof. Ing. Vojtěch Hrubý, CSc., VA Brno, Czech Republic
    Doc. Ing. Vladimír Gašparík, CSc., FMFI UK Bratislava, Slovakia
    Doc. Ing. Ladislav Pešek, CSc., HFTU Košice, Slovakia
    Dr. Ing. Tibor Cselle, Phd., PLATIT AG, Grenchen, Switzerland
    Dr. Ing. Antonín Kříž, ZČU Plzeň, Czech Republic
    Prof. dr hab. inz. dr h.c. Leszek A. Dobrzanski, IEMB SUT Gliwice, Poland

    Organization Committee:

    Ing. Jana Šošovičková, ZTS-MATEC, a.s., Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia
    RNDr. Ján Bezecný, CSc., ZTS-MATEC, a.s., Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia
    Ing. Jaroslav Štrauch, ZTS-MATEC, a.s., Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia
    Ing. Pavel Podaný, ZČU Plzeň, Czech Republic
    Eng. Jaroslaw Mikula, PhD, IEMB SUT Gliwice, Poland

    Conference Languages:
    Slovak, Czech, English, Russian, Polish.